Home > Australia, Culture > >Battle rages over ‘ugly women’ invitation

>Battle rages over ‘ugly women’ invitation

>A battle is raging between the forces supporting ‘ugly women’ by inviting them to move to an Australian town in which men significantly outnumber men and those opposed to looks-challenged women getting a man. I guess the logic is that men are not allowed to discriminate on the grounds that women may or may not appear to be related to Jabba The Hut.

A call for “beauty-disadvantaged women” to consider moving to Mt Isa to rectify the mining town’s gender imbalance has won the backing of the area’s federal MP.

Mayor John Moloney is under fire from residents of his northwest Queensland town after he suggested unattractive women move there to find a man.

Outspoken MP Bob Katter, whose electorate of Kennedy includes Mt Isa, has leapt to the mayor’s defence.

“Everyone I have spoken to in town thinks it’s screamingly funny, exactly the same as I did,” Mr Katter told the Nine Network on Thursday.

“The comment says, if you don’t happen to look like Nicole Kidman, come to the Isa. You can have a lot of fun, and that says a lot of nice things about the Isa and our outback towns.

“We have a terrible imbalance between male population and female population, we have always had that problem and he has brought national attention to bear upon it.

“I am certain there will be an awful lot of girls going to Mt Isa.”

Attacks on Mr Moloney were unfair, Mr Katter said.

“When we (country) people assert who we are and what we are then you find some way of twisting that around and out a malevolent interpretation upon it.

“The interpretation has been demonised.”

Ninemsn is running a poll asking the question about whether it’s offensive. It’s a close battle…

I reckon that even crusty old Helen Thomas would be welcome in outback Mt Isa…

… then again, maybe not.

(Nothing Follows)

Categories: Australia, Culture
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